Reflections Maroon BellsColoradoAshley Reflections of WinterAuburndale CoveAshley Sabino CanyonAshley Davidoff Spring with Memories of the FallAshley Davidoff The Waning Winter of February 2021It has been a hard one from many perspectives – but there is some light in the tunnelAshley Davidoff Tree in the Water at SunsetAshley Davidoff Houghton Gardens in the FallNewton MassAshley Davidoff SunsetNewton CenterAshley Davidoff Sunset in MashpeeAshley Davidoff SPRING TIME AT CRYSTAL LAKEMay 15 2018Ashley Davidoff443 Winter Reflection at SunsetFractal TechniqueAshley Davidoff A Peak at Impressionism from the Window of Realism via a Puddle of WaterThis picture is unadulterated except for a 90 degree ccw rotation and a small increase in saturationKidron Valley Vermont in the FallAshley Davidoff SunsetAshley Davidoff A BABY DAHLIA SHEDDING A TEAR UNDER THE POWERS OF GRAVITY AND A LEAF IN WAITING TO SOFTEN THE FALLSeptember 13 20160123Ashley Davidoff QUECHEE GORGE in Woodstock Vermont Why does the image look so strange? Trees as big as the mountains?September 14 2016Ashley Davidoff