Judaica A Burning BushWestern MassachusettsAshley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net If I have wronged you ….it is time to say I am sorry!!Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net TIME HAS RUN OUT to its end –and I have to make amends with family and friends Yom KippurAshley Davidoff320 CHASSIDIC WISDOM IN THE TREESeptember 03 2016Ashley Davidoff114 HORA AT THE CHASIDIC ANT WEDDINGTheme dOG wALK aRT and POWER OF THE ROUNDOpened a box with some old food on the dog walk. Found these ants dancing the hora in two circles celebrating their bond with the sweetness of lifeAshley Davidoff201669 Cezanne’s father in the winter in FranceCezannes uncle in the summer in Israel?Ashley Davidoff A Menorah in the Spring during Shavuot?Do they go together?008Ashley Davidoff